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The quality of an event is measured by the added value that the participants generate from the speakers' presentations, the mutual impulses and the dialogs among themselves. A well-dosed balance between representatives from science, politics and business sets the appropriate framework for thinking about business and finance in the mirror of what is legally expedient. We are pleased to be a long-standing partner of top decision-makers from the business world.

Voices on the conference

"Participating in the Tax & Legal Excellence Forum was a great experience and a benefit for the selected group of participants. I can name three keys to this success: the ambitious format, the impressive organization and topic structure as well as the selection of outstanding speakers and their powerfully and convincingly presented expertise and judgment."
Professor Dr. Dr.h.c.mult. Karsten Schmidt
Bucerius Law School
"TOP speakers were paired here with super exciting and topical subjects."
Dr Christian Salder
Partner, KMLZ
"For me, the Tax & Legal Excellence Forum was an absolute highlight and clearly stood out - also in comparison to other events with a similar format - the selection of speakers was impressive, the range of topics was broad and yet allowed for in-depth discussions."
Thomas Niklas
Expertise Lead Tax, ING-DiBa AG
"The Tax & Legal Excellence Forum reliably brings together leading minds from the field of tax law to discuss current topics across national borders"
Dr Eva Naux
Head of Group Tax Department, PORR Group
"It was fun to hear so many interesting impulses".
Dr Christina Sandersens
Head of Group Compliance, Marquard & Bahls AG
"The professional level of the speakers and panel participants at the Tax & Legal Excellence Forum is always outstanding."
Michèle Hommel-Scherer
Head of Group Tax, TRUMPF
"Many thanks and congratulations for organising this very successful conference. It was excellently organised with very many interesting presentations."
Nathalie Huetter
General Counsel, Trincentis GmbH
Dr Thomas Toeben Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"It was without doubt a successful, excellent event and a great format."
Dr. Thomas Töben
Partner SMP
Dr Marcus Zwicky Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"Tax & Legal Excellence Forum: I was impressed by the selection of top-class speakers. The plan to just let it run alongside my day-to-day work came to nothing - you just had to listen."
Dr. Marcus Zwicky
Partner, Zwicky Windlin & Partner
Bernhard Tinter Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"Two exciting, inspiring, insightful and, as far as the organisation is concerned, absolutely perfectly organised and smooth days. Just as impressive as the professional contributions of all speakers, was the professional organization of this event."
Bernhard Tinter
Director & Global Head of Tax, SAF-HOLLAND SE
Prof. Dr Stefan Bendlinger Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"In my opinion, this year's Tax & Legal Excellence Forum conference was the best online event of the year on business, law and tax. Developed by practitioners and designed for practitioners. Up-to-date, excellent speakers and perfectly organized."
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bendlinger
Senior Partner, ICON Wirtschaftstreuhand
Orkideh Hamzavir Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"I would like to thank the entire team of this year's Digital Conference Tax & Legal Excellence Forum. Everything was perfectly organized, both in the preparation phase and during the two-day conference, and the constant competence of the experts with their future-oriented and interesting presentations was very enriching."
Orkideh Hamzavi, M.D.
Head of Legal Europe, LUKOIL Lubricants Europe
Kerstin Schulz Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"A successful event in these particular circumstances - I enjoyed it exceptionally."
Kerstin Schulz
Global Head of Tax & Customs, Beiersdorf AG
Andreas Wietzke Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"The conference was extremely enriching. Personally, I was quite surprised how much you can take away online."
Andreas Wietzke
Partner, Mathys & Squire
Dr. Monika Wünnemann
"The event was an absolute highlight, super organized and with a very successful current topic selection."
Dr. Monika Wünnemann
Head of Department Tax and Fiscal Policy, BDI e.V.
Prof. Dr Lucas Flöther Tax & Legal Excellence Forum
"The conference featured high quality speakers and exciting insights into current topics worthy of discussion."
Prof. Dr. Lucas F. Flöther
Partner, Flöther & Wissing

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